When markets tumbled and investors needed to raise cash, gold was the natural asset to sell, especially after the Chicago Mercantile Exchange raised the margin requirement for gold contracts. 当市场不景气或者投资者需要更多的现金时,黄金就可以作为一种自然的资产进行出售,特别是在芝加哥商业交易所提出提高黄金储备的保障金要求之后。
Furthermore, because of the "ample margin of safety" requirement, the agency believed it had no leeway to consider feasibility. 再者,因为充分的安全限度问题,机构相信,也没有余地考虑可行性。
If your account falls below the maintenance margin requirement, your securities can be sold without a margin call. 如果你的帐户余额低於证券商的担保维持率,你的券商有合法权利,在不通知的状态下卖出你的股票。
Margin requirement has another name, that is, financing and securities load exchange. 证券信用交易,即融资融券交易。
Periodic ordering The initial margin requirement on a futures transaction is simply a good-faith deposit to ensure performance according to the terms of the futures contract. 期货交易的初始保证金实质上是为了保证按照期货合约条款履约的信誉存款。
The means of collection, standards, and haircut rates for using Securities for margin requirement referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by this corporation and submitted to the competent authority for approval. 前项结算保证金之收取方式、标准及有价证券抵缴之折扣比率,由本公司订定,报请主管机关核定之。
The sound-machine coupling resonance margin of the stator in the labyrinth gas seal device is 18.1% at six-circle wave mode that is under the rule requirement so that sound-machine coupling resonance occurs. 静子件在6周波处声固耦合裕度为18.1%,低于准则标准,将发生声固耦合共振;
The article deems that any principles, rules, and even operational customs shall be the necessary components of the margin requirement. 本文认为与期货保证金运作相关的原则、规则、甚至操作惯例都是保证金制度的应有内容。
Part 1 is about the basic margin requirement system. 第一部分证券信用交易基本制度。
The energy method is used for solving the margin value project problems. It has great advantages and can lower the requirement for engineers 'mathematical ability to a great extent. 能量法应用于解决边值工程问题,显示了强大的优越性,极大程度上降低了对工程人员的数学能力要求。
Part 4 displays the basic designation of China security margin requirement system, which composes the core part of this article. 第四部分是我国未来证券信用交易法律制度的基本构想,是本文的核心部分之一。
In the early year of securities market construction, our securities law allows securities companies to spot trading prohibit margin requirement to avoid financial risks, namely prohibit financing and securities loan business. 在我国证券市场初建时期,为了防范金融风险,我国证券法规定只允许证券现货交易,禁止证券信用交易。
Chapter six introduces primary study on margin requirement in contract design. 第六章介绍合约设计保证金的初步研究。
Margin Requirement System has been widely adopted in security markets by many countries and regions and has developed in different patterns. 证券信用交易制度已为各国和地区的证券市场广为采用,并发展为不同的模式。
It can make full use of structure post-buckling performance, reflect the true strength margin, and satisfy the safety and economic requirement to the utmost extent, thus has been treated as a compulsory job by IACS. 极限强度充分利用了结构的后屈曲性能,能够反映结构的真实强度储备,最大程度的满足安全性和经济性的设计要求,并被国际船级社协会作为一项必须提交的任务书的要求提出。
The dissertation has discussed some main legal issues in Margin Requirement System and put forward some corresponding suggestions and provided some useful reference for establishing a similar system of securities system in China. 本文探讨了信用交易制度的一些主要法律问题,提出了相应的看法,为我国引进这一制度提供参考。
In the patterns of Japan or Taiwan, securities finance companies which have played a role in linking the capital markets and fund markets together, are set up in order to make it more convenient for the authorities to supervise Margin Requirement. 在日本模式和台湾模式中,为方便政府对信用交易的监管,设立了证券金融公司,它起着联结资本市场和资金市场的作用。
The algorithm investigates the problem of wireless resource optimization in multi-user OFDMA system and explores the margin adaptive ( MA) optimization criterion again. The objective of resource optimization is to minimize the total transmission power while guaranteeing the subcarrier requirement of every user. 算法重新审视了多用户OFDMA系统的无线资源优化问题,进一步探索了余量自适应优化准则,算法的优化目标是在满足每个用户子载波需求的前提下最小化系统总的发送功率。
Numerous market entities have been involved in Margin Requirement and thus the latter has complex legal relationship, in which guarantee legal relationship has its peculiar characteristics. 证券信用交易过程涉及多个市场主体,具有复杂的法律关系,担保法律关系最具特点。